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March 2025
March is the start of a new gardening year here at Hydrangea Derby and we've being making the most of the beautiful sunny weather to do some preparatory work. Our priority has been to start mulching the beds with woodchip kindly provided by Derby City Council. There's...
17th September 2024
Part of the paniculata collection showing some of the cultivars with late season red shades (Click to expand)
paniculata cultivar info now updated
All our cultivars (as of September 2024) are now listed under 'Our Plants' - 'paniculata' about half are with detailed Plant Profiles the remaining profile will be added when completed which may take some time.
Daffodils and Tulips
We've added some daffodils and tulips to the outer garden to add some interest while we wait for the hydrangeas to flower.
Hydrangea aspera Taiwan Pink
Hydrangea aspera, in the walled garden, is putting on another splendid autumnal display and attracting all sorts of bees and other insects. Enjoy these images and come and see it if you can.
Best hydrangea paniculas for attracting bees and other insects
In Hydrangea, there are two types of flowers, these are: a) Fertile flowers that have carpels, nectar, ovaries, stamens (with pollen) and very small sepals and petals. b) Sterile flowers that do not have any carpels, ovaries, or nectar, but do have stamens (with...
East Midlands Today ‘On the Map’
Anna Church, weather reporter for East Midlands Today visited us in September to put us 'On the Map'. She and her camara person, Troy, spent the morning of 6 September with us and created this lovely couple of minutes to share the garden with lots of others.
Some of our Plants
The Power of the Flower
Photos from the hydrangea garden found their way to a journalist in Japan who published an article in a Japanese magazine. It's in Japanese with no English translation at the moment but the images of our hydrangeas say it all. Horticulture Guide 2022 Summer Issue...
And a couple of the other species
Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' Hydrangea involucrata 'Hortensis'