Latest News
Foundation Derbyshire
As a national collection, we are expected to have all our the plants labelled. In 2014 we found some funding to buy the reconstituted plastic posts onto which we attached an engraved plaque with the genus, species and cultivar of the plant. The engraving machine is...
Mosaic Workshops now complete
Workshops were held in the park, St Matthew's church hall, the Quad and the Silk Mill and a lot of the mosaic was stuck down. Amanda, the artist, has now taken it back to her studio to finish it off. It will go in the hydrangea garden during June and we're planning...
Something else growing in the Hydrangea Garden
We arrived to do our usual Tuesday morning hoeing, pruning and edging to find something else had found our garden a bit of a haven. Of the 490 odd plants we have, she chose Hydrangea arborescens 'White Dome' to make her nest and bring her family to life. Looking...
Deadhead Day 2016
We had another jolly day giving the hydrangeas their annual haircut. The sun was kind and we all had a peaceful and therapeutic couple of hours taking care of the hydrangeas which are already getting ready to flower again in July. A couple of robins came to see what...
The Windrow
Derby Parks Volunteers have built a windrow to separate the hydrangea garden from the neighbouring woodland and, in doing so, have created interesting real estate for any curious bug, bird or animal. We can use it to put our prunings in years to come. Many thanks to...
A Mosaic for Darley Park
A mosaic has been commissioned for Darley Park. It's to be placed in the hydrangea garden and will reflect, after having consulted with park users, all the experiences, feelings and memories we remember. A base has been built and we're in the middle of the workshops...
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Queen Elizabeth’
Happy 90th Birthday. 21 April 2016
Open Day 2016
This year's open day is Sunday, 7th August 2016. We'll be there from 10am to 3pm with guided tours at 11am and 2pm.
The 2016 Season
The new season will kick off on 1st March when we'll be pruning the paniculatas and aroborescens. They appreciate and flower much better after what seems like a drastic pruning. If you want a copy of this year's gardening timetable email us through the contacts...
2015 Hydrangea Garden Gates Closed
The gates to the walled garden are now closed but will be opened again in July 2016 when the hydrangeas are back in bloom. Thanks to all who have made this such an exciting season.