A cross between Mortizburg and Nobuko. With strong stems, dark leaves, compact growth and bi coloured flowers US patent PP19761 No Gardens or Nurseries Found
A new and distinct bicoloured Hydrangea having dark foliage and a compact growth habit. The new variety is the result of a cross between `Moritzburg` (female parent, unpatented) and `Nobuko` (male parent). The inflorescence shape and foliage of the new variety are...
A new and distinct cultivar having light pink flowers and a strong root system, vigorous branching habit and large flowers. It originated from a cross between macrophylla ‘Konigstein’ and a breeding selection on macrophylla. USpaten PP19802, March 10, 2009 No...
A new and distinct Hydrangea plant having a strong root system, good stem quality and deep pink coloured inflorescences. `Horstol` is similar to another Hydrangea variety, `Merrits Supreme`, in colour and because they are both mopheads. However, `Horstol` differs...