With scattered pure white sterile florets surrounding the fertile florets

Native of China and the Himalayas, Hydrangea heteromala can be a large shrub or small tree. The flowers are formed into very loose heads and the sterile florets have long petioles that tend to hang down. Due to their size and form they are best suited to the back of the border in a large garden.
With scattered pure white sterile florets surrounding the fertile florets
Bed B: Plant 18 A large shrub or small tree growing over 3m in height. With peeling bark on older...
Bed S: Plant 30 With flat heads of white fertile flowers surrounded by large white sterile sepals...
Bed A: Plant 05 With upright white flower heads on long stems UK Plant Finder: Not listed
Bed E: Plant 07 Magnificent species to 5m, with elliptic-oblong bright green leaves, bearing white...
Bed A: Plant 01 A vigorous plant with white flowers in flat heads UK Plant Finder: 2012 = 10...
Bed B: Plant 02 A small plant with pale green narrow leaves and small delicate white flowers UK...