Kumiko    (Sakamoto; Shoji, Ohaza Shimotazawa Kurohone, JP) 1998

Kuro jiku (H)

With flower heads of pale lilac.  The sepals fade slowly to white at the centre of the florets and they have a tiny blue eye. Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: KAL UK  Plant Finder 2012: Not listed
Kumiko    (Sakamoto; Shoji, Ohaza Shimotazawa Kurohone, JP) 1998

Kurohime (L) Yamamoto, Japan

Syn.. Black Princess Overall, a small plant with small lace-cap flowers, usually purplish-pink in colour. Few ray florets, but charming. Less than 1m Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA WAA Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV AW UK  Plant Finder: Last...