by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Lacecaps
Bed D: Plant 05 & Bed F: Plant 05 With scattered double ray florets in pink or deep purple. Medium size but rather tender and therefore best taken inside in the winter (1m) UK Plant Finder: 2012 = 2 nurseries
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed U: Plant 17 Named after a castle inSwitzerland. With well separated cherry-red florets on long stalks. The flowers are sometimes hidden under the abundant foliage. UK Plant Finder: Not listed.
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed V: Plant 38 A strong growing plant with dark stems and dense heads of pink flowers tending towards red. The sepals are often frimbriate and the undersides are a light pink UK Plant Finder: Not listed
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 47 & Bed W: Plant 25 A compact plant up to 1m. On acid soils the flowers start out a fine blue although they fade as they age. The sepals have wavy edges and pointed tips resembling a teapot spout. UK Plant Finder 2012 = 2...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed X: Plant 15 A medium growing plant which is best in some shade. Free-flowering pink or a lovely blue on acid soils, this variety can flower on the new seasons wood making it excellent for colder areas where terminal buds are often lost to frost damage. UK Plant...