Bed Z: Plant 38 Fertile florets mauve surrounded by sterile florets with 3 or 4 white sepals with narrow bases that do not overlap. UK Plant Finder: Not listed
Bed U: Plant 12 Large heads of deep red flowers Florets with a white eye. Origins unknown, but possibly the RHS garden, WisleyUK. Photo of young plant. UK Plant Finder: Not listed.
Bed Y: Plant 16 & Bed F: Plant 13 A compact slow growing shrub up to 1m. Flowers opening greenish and maturing to a clear white. Bred byBrugger,Germanyin 1951 UK Plant Finder 2012 = 2 nurseries
Bed Q: Plant 21 Syn. Silver Slipper, & Uzu Ajisai. AM; AGM 1992 Pale pink or clear sky-blue flowers depending on acidity. Unusual lilac shaped curved spoon-like florets in flattish heads which are also slightly fragrant. A large plant with a long...