by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed C: Plant 23 Dark blue fertile florets and white sterile florets UK Plant Finder: Not listed
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Lacecaps
Bed Q: Plant 05 & Bed U: Plant 14 Syn. Hanabi which means fireworks in Japanese) Selected by Mr.Takeomi Yamamoto, President of theJapanHydrangea Society. With double pure white sterile florets giving the appearance of little exploding stars. UK Plant Finder 2012 =...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Featured - Home Page, Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 15 Syn.. Draps Wonder An incredibly free-flowering dwarf bush which flowers all summer. Great for containers and best in an alkaline soil which will bring out the richest colouring. It is happy in sun or dappled shade. Grows to 1m UK Plant Finder 2012 =...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Featured - Home Page, Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 12 & Bed M: Plant 11 Syn.. ‘Lady Katsuko’ USAPatent PP10439; 09/06/1998 A distinct cultivar which originated as a seedling from controlled hybridization of the H.macrophylla cultivars `Crystal` and `Silver-Edge` and is distinguished from its parents...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed V: Plant 48 Densely packed heads of pink florets. (Description of Deby plants) UK Plant Finder Last listed in 2006