by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Featured - Home Page, Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed M: Plant 04 A dwarf plant with the most intense deep purple-red mop head flowers when grown on an acid soil. It can be slow to establish. It was discovered at the Holehird garden in theLake District but the actual origin is unknown. UK Plant Finder 2012 = 1...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 43 An early flowering cultivar which is best grown in acid soil to give a clear sky blue. Will flower off lateral buds later in the season if the terminal ones are damaged by frost. A medium sized bush which can produce quite large blooms. UK Plant...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed Q: Plant 02 Flowers emerge as either pink or blue (depending on soil acidity), but as they mature change colour first to light green and finally to red. In mid-summer, individual plants will often have flowers blooming in all three colours at the same time. UK...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed Q: Plant 02 & Bed Q: Plant 04 Hovaria series Flowers pale pink or light blue on acid soils, sepals with serrated edges and an orangey pink eye UK Plant Finder: Not listed.
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed V: Plant 04 Named after a Swiss mountain. Flowers pale mauvish-pink. Sepals narrow at the base and not overlapping. Flower colour: Blue on acid soil Compact growth and tightly packed flowers UK Plant Finder: Not listed