by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed U: Plant 26 & Bed F: Plant 10 syn. Peacock A fine blue on acid soil fading to greyish green. The sepals are usually arranged in threes in an attractive disarray UK Plant Finder: Last listed in 2006
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed U: Plant 07 Large florets of pink flowers with narrow based sepals that are pink washed with white (description of Derbyplants) UK Plant Finder: Not listed
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 2, 2012 | Macrophylla Lacecaps
Bed V: Plant 42 This beautiful Lacecap Hydrfangea has very large clear pink sterile florets that are paler at the centres. (Description of Deby plants) UK Plant Finder: Not listed
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Featured - Home Page, Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 19 AGM 1992 Still one of the best whites, but may be reluctant to flower whilst young. Grow in shade for superb white mopheads with serrated florets. The florets turn pink and then green with age but still look great. Brilliant autumn foliage, a plant...
by Gaynor Naylor | Apr 3, 2012 | Macrophylla Mopheads
Bed W: Plant 16 Sepals smooth edges and reminiong cuped for some time. Pale chalky pink fading to white at the centre UK Plant Finder: Not listed.