Bed Z: Plant 09 Named after the Swiss mountain. A dwarf cultivar with deep pink, entire sepals that are clearly separated at the base. (description of Derby plants) UK Plant Finder: Not listed. ( 2009)
Bed Y: Plant 01 & Bed M: Plant 06 AGM 2000 A beautiful Lacecap with white ray florets surrounding clusters of soft pink fertile flowers. The blooms are not large but very numerous, arranged in tiers up to 2m high on mature bushes. The flowers age to pink and then...
Bed C: Plant 01 From the Trebah Garden, in Cornwall. Flowers a similar shape to ayesha, with small cupped sepals, a pale pink or silvery blue. UK Plant Finder: Not listed.
Bed V: Plant 58 Tight heads of cloudy deep pink flowers with paler centres when young and a whitish eye. (description ofDerbyplants) UK Plant Finder: Last listed 2007