Bed EV Plant 58 Syn. Tromphee Fertile buds dark blue-purple partially covered by semi double very pale pink or blue sterile florets (description of one internet photo!) UK Plant Finder: Last listed in 2007
Bed M: Plant 21 Flowers a fine bright pink. Sepals wavy, curling to form a dish shape, maturing to greyish-pink tinged with green and speckled with crimson. Small heads of pale mauve flowers. With 3 or 4 small sepals that are occasionally with slight serration, but...
Bed Y: Plant 02 & Bed C: Plant 26 AGM 1992 Flower colour: Outer petals pure white, centre fertile flowers blue. A rather large bush, covered in white lace caps. The large ray florets have either three or four sepals only. These reverse with age, becoming...
Bed W: Plant 18 Small heads of bright red flowers. Sepals pointed and remaining furled, giving a starry effect. with a white eye. (description ofDerbyplants) UK Plant Finder: Not listed.