Syn.. Kolmandan With tightly packed heads of light pink flowers with serrated sepals giving a frilly appearance. No gardens found UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed (at: in 2012)
Syn.. Mihatif A strange coloured mophead. Midway in the colour change it is a sort of a very pale light brown and pink mixed with a hint of green. Kolster say: “Very unusual blue Hydrangea colouring to pale green with red margins.” Gardens found in the 10 surveyed...
Syn.. Hulk A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘Magical Emerald’, characterized by its upright and mounded plant habit; strong roots and stems; freely branching habit; and large inflorescences with very light pink-coloured flowers. It originated from...
Syn..Kolmgarip Kolster say: “A selection with the characteristics of Glowing Alps. However, this selection flowers even more lavishly and changes colours more rapidly to green, edged with red.” No gardens found UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed (at: