This arborescens has a greater ratio of fertile florets so doesn’t have the ball shaped flower heads of ‘Annabelle’ or ‘Snowball’. It has darker leaves than other cultivars. It’s not so popular in the nursery trade. We obtained ours...
Leaves light green, slightly puckered. Flower heads flat with slight pinkish colour Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV KAL UKPlant Finder 2012 = 1 nursery
This is the first cultivar of Hydrangea arborescens to be bred to have pink flowers. The flower head is made up of mainly the non-showy fertile florets. ‘Invincibelle Spirit’ with its greater ratio of the more dramatic sterile florets has become the more...
Named after garden writer Ryan Gainey. It is a compact cultivar that typically grows to 3.5’ tall and is noted for having darker green foliage, smaller but more numerous flowers and thicker stems than plants of the species. It is an upright, free-branching, rounded...