arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

Domed flower heads halfway between the flat heads from fertile cultivars and the round heads of sterile cultivars. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA   Kwekerij, Leende, 2007 Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV AW UKPlant Finder 2012: Not...
Arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

Arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

The flower heads on our plant are far too heavy for the stems and we haven’t as yet found a strong enough framework to support them. They need regular dividing to contain them. The name comes from the plant’s similarity to a flock of sheep.
arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

arborescens ‘Vasterival’

Not to be confused with Hydrangea paniculata ‘Vasterival’ Flower heads slightly domed, with a few scattered white sterile florets Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed:   DA Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV AW UKPlant Finder:  2012 = 1...
arborescens ‘Sheep Cloud’

arborescens ‘Visitation’

A very ornamental cultivar with bright white globose flower heads composed of large sterile florets. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA Kwekerji Planten Tuin Esveld (2007) Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV UKPlant Finder 2012: Not Listed. ...
Arborescens ‘White Dome’

Arborescens ‘White Dome’

A distinct cultivar characterized by its large and vigorous upright and rounded growth habit. It has strong stems and large leaves. The flower head has a greater ratio of fertile florets in the centre with the sterile florets springing from the rim. Ours was bought...