The name means Girl. A lace-cap with many ray florets scattered amongst the fertile florets. Clear pink or mauve blooms on a medium to large bush from July onwards. 2m Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA LHS TR MS Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA...
A strong robust mophead, best on acid soils, when it produces large blue flowers. Sepals small and not overlapping they turn green with age. Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA LHS WAK WIN KEW TR WS RW ABJ MS Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA LHS...
Syn.. Geoffrey Chadbund & Seagull; AGM 1992 Flower colour: Lilac on acid soils and deep red on none acid soils. The fertile centre flowers are then gradually cream. Attempts to blue this variety results in rather muddy mauve flowers. A medium to large bush of...