Mueke = Mucke

Munster (H)

Sepals white with a faint bluish-purple flush Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys LHS WIN RW TR MS Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: LHS UK  Plant Finder: Last listed in 2000
Mueke = Mucke

Mystical Emerald (H)

With soft-pink flowers, each with a green eye. As the flowers mature they take on a soft-green colour in keeping with the mild days of spring. Like all precious gems, ‘Emerald’ continues to intensify. The soft-green flower heads take on their emerald-green...
Mueke = Mucke

Mystical Opal (H)

Blooms of ruffled pink florets fade to a soft green, pink, and yellow. In fall, the flower heads age to emerald-green with pink petal tips UK  Plant Finder 2012: Not listed. 2009