With a strong upright habit and reddish-brown arching stems. The large white panicles have 80% cover of sterile flowers that fade slightly pink on the reverse side. The white fertile flowers open from pink buds. Open the PDF for the full Plant Profile
Floribunda means free flowering. A large cultivar with upward spreading branches and large white pointed panicles that have a sterile flower coverage of about 50% Open PDF for the full Plant Profile
A compact version of ‘Grandiflora’, The brown arching stems are too thin to support the flowers upright but they are dense and therefore do not bend over completely so giving a nice arching effect. The panicles (flower heads) are medium sized and short...
The very first paniculata to be introduced into Britain. It forms a very large shrub or small tree up to 7m in height. The rounded panicles have many, but small sterile flowers that overlap giving 100% cover. They start off white but latter fade to a pale pink....