An upright habit with branches arching outwards as the plant ages. The stems are reddish brown and the leaves are narrow and with a mid-green tint. The flower heads have a greater ratio of fertile florets and the narrow sepals of the sterile florets turn a dusky pink...
This is a compact and upright plant. The stems arch outwards and the leaves are dark green and glossy. There’s a half and half split of fertile and sterile florets on the flower head in keeping with its compact size. The reverse side of the sepals turns a dusky...
The mixture of sterile and fertile florets are not tightly packed and give the flower head an airy look. In cooler temperatures the sepals turn pinkish. It will flower in late and bloom well into October. The origins are uncertain. One source suggests it is a French...
Another garden-worthy compact paniculata which retains its upright habit with age. The stems are grayish-brown and the leaves mid-green. The proportioned flower heads have creamy-white sepals and pink buds on the smaller fertile florets. This has been considered one...
A small weak growing cultivar with thin trailing weak stems. The small rounded panicles start out white and later turn a good strong pink colour. Plant Profile to Follow