paniculata ‘White Lady’

paniculata ‘White Lady’

‘White Lady’ has an upright habit with green stems and mid-green leaves. The flower heads have a 50% coverage of fertile and sterile florets. The large pure white sepals some with partially serrate edges make this cultivar very distinctive and...
paniculata ‘White Moth’

paniculata ‘White Moth’

With very large open habit.  The long arching stems have very large rounded white panicles  The very large sepals of the sterile flowers give about 80% cover of the panicles. This is a plant for the very back of a large border. Open the PDF for the full Plant...
paniculata ‘White Tiara’

paniculata ‘White Tiara’

An upright habit with greenish-brown arching stems and mid-green leaves. The flower heads have a 50:50 share of fertile and sterile florets. The fertile florets open from bright pink buds and the white sepals of the sterile florets flip over as they age, showing a...
paniculata ‘Wim’s Red’

paniculata ‘Wim’s Red’

One of the few paniculatas that are wider than they are tall. The new stems are bright red and the large leaves are neatly arranged on the stems. Medium sized flower heads are rounded with very few fertile florets. The sepals of the sterile florets start white before...