Syn.. CityLine Paris™ A cultivar characterized by intense rose color of the flowers, early growth, storable in the cold and lack of need for chemical growth regulators in the early stage of cultivation and during forcing, particularly suitable for growth in pots,...
Syn.. Parzival Smallish rose or deep purple-blue mopheads, freely produced on a medium sized bush. Better in shade as the flowers can fade in strong sunlight. Attractive autumn colour. Best in alkaline soil, as flowers can be ‘muddy’ in slightly acid...
Syn.. Youmefour & RIE04 A cultivar characterized by broad upright habit, large medium-green leaves, flowers that are yellow-green to dark pink in color, and unique inflorescence development. Clusters of Pale pink, very symmetrical double flowers, similar in shape...
Flat heads of pale blue double flowers. Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys None Found UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed. (listed by Esveld, Boskoop,Hollandin 2009)