by Gaynor Naylor | May 21, 2012 | Featured - Home Page
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a description from D M Geldern)
by Gaynor Naylor | May 21, 2012 | Featured - Home Page
Syn.. Cityline Mars Strong stems an flowers with sepals with pink centres and cream edges. fading to green (Cityline Series) UK Plant Finder 2012 = 1 Nursery (as ‘Mars’- Cityline Series
by Gaynor Naylor | May 21, 2012 | Featured - Home Page
With small deep pink-red sepals that have narrow bases are well separated and do not overlap No Gardens or Nurseries Found
by Gaynor Naylor | May 21, 2012 | Featured - Home Page
Syn. Nizza (City-line Series) With red-purple fertile florets and deep red-ping or purple-blue sterile florets with broad smooth edged, overlapping boat shaped sepals. A superior cultivar. No Gardens or Nurseries Found