aspera ‘Joelle’

aspera ‘Joelle’

Leaves broadly ovate, Sterile florets Pale pink, Fertile florets violet, Selected from a seedling by Frederique Buisson,France. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: Le Thuit Saint Jean Francine Busson (2001) UKPlant Finder 2012: Not Listed.
aspera ‘Joelle’

aspera ‘Lionel Fortescue’ *

Named after the owner of ‘The Garden House’ at Buckland MonachorumUK,  Lionel Forescue,A retired master of Eaton. Leaves rounded without a sharp apex.  Sterile florets White, fertile florets lilac. No gardens found but may still be at The Garden House. UKPlant Finder...