scandens subsp. chinensis macrosepala  Hayata

scandens subsp. chinensis obovatifolia

A small deciduous shrub with hairy leaves.  Flowers in terminal cymes.  Sterile florets white fading to yellow in the autumn.  Requires partial shade. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA ( ) Crug Farm (2002)Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA...
scandens subsp. chinensis macrosepala  Hayata

scandens subsp. liukiuensis (Nakai)

Syn. H. luteovenosa Semi-evergreen shrub with small narrowly elliptic thick pale green leaves, bearing corymbs of white flowers during early summer-autumn. Requires partial shade in any good moist soil. Height 1m. Spread 1.5m. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000...