Sterile florets lilac, double on long stalks and with pointed sepals. Leaves dark green with purplish blotches Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: LHS JCR
Sterile florets small and delicate. Fertile florets a bright metallic blue. Sterile florets pink or blue. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA ( ) Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA ESV With bright blue fertile florets surrounded by pink and blue...
With pale pin or blue sterile florets with long thin petals surrounding dull blue fertile florets. UKPlant Finder 2010: not listed. (
Fertile florets deep mauve, Sterile florets shell pink. Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA Hillier Arboretum (2002) Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA HIL ESV NAN JCR AW UKPlant Finder: Last listed in 2005 (but at ...