umbellata  Rehd. = scandens subsp. chinensis  (Maxim.) McClintock

Universal (H) Origin and year unknown

Grows to 1.2m Very uniform flower heads 16cm diameter. A rich royal blue on acid soil.  Sepals denticulate. Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys  DA LHS WIN TR WS RW ABJ MS Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA LHS NAN UK  Plant Finder: Last listed in...
umbellata  Rehd. = scandens subsp. chinensis  (Maxim.) McClintock

Ursula (H) Origin unknown

Flowers a fine bright pink. Sepals wavy, curling to form a dish shape, maturing to greyish-pink tinged with green and speckled with crimson. Small heads of pale mauve flowers.  With 3 or 4 small sepals that are occasionally with slight serration, but mostly entire...