Blaulicht *

Blauling (L) (Wadenswill) 1984

Syn.. Marabu.  Teller Series Dark blue fertile buds. Sterile flowers a clear pale blue, opening with greenish white centres but soon becoming completely blue on acid soils.  The sepals are short, wide and dentate.  The flowers have an uneven colour change that gives a...
Blaulicht *

Blaumeise (L) (Wadenswil) 1979

Syn. Blue Tit, Blue Sky, Teller Blue, Armor & Lira) A strong robust plant, The fertile flowers are pale blue, encircled by a small number of large four sepalled sterile clear pink or deep blue florets.  . Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys  DA  LHS LAG ABG WAA...
Blaulicht *

Blenelux (H) (Baardse) 1950

Large well-formed mopheads, Deep pink with a pale eye or royal blue in acid soil during July and August. Large foliage and strong growth but inclined to be a little tender, so needs some shelter 1.5m Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA  LHS WIN TR WS RW ABJ MS...