Syn. ‘Hornheart This cultivar large, intense blooms with dark pinkish-red flowers accentuated with a thin, pure white line on the margin. It’s a small to medium sized plant with strong stems and glossy foliage. Flower colour turns to blue on acid soils. Grows...
Syn.. ‘Harbits’ A new and distinct cultivar characterized by its upright and mounded plant habit; strong roots and stems; strong and dark green-coloured leaves; and large lacecap-type inflorescences with red purple flowers with white edges. It originated from an...
Syn. ‘Souvenir d’Edouard d’Avdeew’ Very similar to ‘Ayesha’ with the same small spoon shaped sepals but a pale mauve colour Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys Kwekerji Planten Tuin Esveld (2007) UK Plant Finder 2012: Not...
Syn. Kingfisher & Aduarda. AGM & AM as Aduarda A good cultivar for Blue flowers, on acid soils deep blue sterile florets with four large overlapping sepals, arranged around bark blue fertile florets. Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys LHS TR MS WAA (TR...