paniculata Barbarouse

paniculata Barbarouse

A cross between ‘Barbara’ & ‘Brusseles Lace’. With untidy spreading habit. Stems brown with mid-green leaves. The rounded panicles have 80% cover of white sterile flowers than turn green then pink and finally brick red. Plant Profile to...
paniculata Bonfire

paniculata Bonfire

An excellent small compact cultivar with stiff erect stems and dark green leaves. The large dense panicles open green before turning pink and finally deep red, often with a mixture of these colours in the same panicle. Plant Profile to follow
paniculata Candlelight

paniculata Candlelight

An excellent compact cultivar with strong stems and dark green leaves. The pointed panicles look like sky-rockets shooting outward from the plant base. They start of white and slowly turn pink then red from the bast upward, therefore mid season each panicle will have...