A soft & lovely color combination, this Japanese selection has lacecap "flowers" with a...
Hoinlii (H)
A small shrub sometimes shy to flower. Flowers red in small heads, Sepals well separated and not...
Hobergine (H)
Syn.. Hovaria Flowers are a deep mauve with green centres when opening Gardens found in 28 pre...
Hobella (H) (Hofstede; J. G, 6852 AK Huissen, NL) 1995
Syn.. Dragonfly This cultivar produces large, soft pink flowers which when just blooming are in...
H J Jones * (H J Jones)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar Probably lost from cultivation
Hildergaard (1974)
Syn.. Hildergaard Koniger (www. nantuckethyhydrangea,com) UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed.
Hime Gaku–Aijisai (L)
With blue fertile florets and pale blue sterile florets Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys MS...
Highland Glory * (H J Jones)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar Probably lost from cultivation
Highdown Form
Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys MS UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed.
Hidcote Pink (L) (Thoby)
Purple fertile florets surrounded by pale pink sterile florets that have whitish serrate edges...