Syn. Shower Fertile florets deeper pink. Sterile florets white tinged pink with dentate sepals....
Grants Choice (L) (James Grant)
Named after the senior head gardener at theGraywoodHillGardeninEngland. Sepals starting out cream...
Grand Chef (H)
The large flower heads open green and the fade to a reddish-purple Gardens found in 28 pre 2000...
Goudreinette Classic (H) (Pieter Holk NL)
With well packed heads of green flowers that have pink edges to the sepals No gardens found UK ...
Goudreinette (PBR) (H) (Pieter Holk NL)
With dark leaves and large heads of white flowers that are lightly flushed with pink No gardens...
Gonda (H)
Medium sized heads of pink or blue flowers, with very large sepals that remain dish shaped for...
Goliath (H) (F. Matthes) 1923
A vigorous cultivar with very large (up to 22cm) flower heads with soft cloudy pink flowers. The...
Golden Showers (L)
With bright yellow leaves, and pale pink flowers Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA Gardens...
Gold Dust (L)
With golden variegated leaves UK Plant Finder: Last listed in 2004 (
Gold 2 (H) (Pieter Holk NL)
The large packed flower heads open a yellowish colour an struggle to turn white giving a yellowish...