Syn.. Forever & Ever Double Pink Double pale pink flowers in billowy mound, produced...
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Doris (H)
This cultivar has large bright cherry red flower heads and small dark green leaves. Gardens2010:...
Dooley (H)
Very hardy, with large blue flower heads, Discovered by Mike Dirr. in thegardenofMrs. Vince...
Domotoi (H) (Japan) 1920
Syn.. Setzuka Yae & Sekkayae & Yae Flowers double with twisted sepals, light green in the...
Dolkis (L)
Syn. Dolce Kiss An unusually compact and dense selection this cultivar has near white sterile...
Dolgip (L)
Syn. Dolc Gipsy A beautiful cultivar that has the appearance of a serrata cultivar? The fertile...
Dolce Kiss = Dolkis
Dolce Gipsy = Dolgip
Dompfaff * (L) (Eidg. Forschunganstalt 1979)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...