Flowers bright pink UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed. 2009
Charles Guillon
No information found for this cultivar Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys MS UK Plant Finder...
Clara (H)
Large heads of pink or mauve-blue flowers Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys De Dreijen...
Charming *
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar Probably lost from cultivation
Charm (H)
With bright green leaves, strong stems and bright clear pink flower heads. Gardens found in the 10...
Chaperon Rouge (H) (Mouillere) 1954
Syn. Red Cap Smallish mophead blooms but freely produced. Flattish florets of rosy red in alkaline...
Champion * (c1927)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...
Champagne (H) (Pieter Holk NL)
Well rounded and dense heads of pure white flowers No Gardens found UK Plant Finder 2012: Not...
Chambellan (H)
A houseplant with pink flowers. Bred by Pieter kolk BV,Aalsmeer,Netherlandsin 2002. Gardens found...
Challenge Silver (H) (Pieter Kolk BV)
With well packed heads of mixed colour flower heads that are pale blue and green giving a silver...