Flowers either pinkish white or mauvish white. Sepals entire and not overlapping. It is probably...
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Brux Hail
No information found yet for this cultivar Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys MS UK Plant...
Brunette = Merveille Sanguine
Brunegg (H)
A compact shrub with large flowers Pink or pale whitish blue on acid soils. Bred by E...
Brug Konigstein) = Konigstein
Brug Rosenburg = ‘Rosenburg’
Brugg (H) (Haller) 1971
A dwarf shrub up to 0.8m This variety is probably best grown as a pot plant. It is compact and...
Brilliant (H)
A small shrub up to 1m. Flowers deep pink, sepals with entire edge and pale eye. Bred by Pepiniers...
Brightness = Gloir de Vendome
Bridal Bouquet (H)
A small compact shrub up to 1m. Pure white flowers, Best out off full sun as the petals can scorch...
Brestenberg (H) (Haller Switzerland 1972)
A dwarf cultivar with many rounded blue or lilac mopheads, best grown in acid soils (1.5m) Bred by...