Rounded heads of pink flowers. Sepals slightly serrated at their tips, Paler eye. (Description...
Teller Rot (Red) (L)
Syn. Redbreast Fertile florets pale pink, surrounded by cloudy pink sterile florets with very...
Teller Rosa (L) (Rose)
Fertile florets mauve, almost obscured by the large pinkish mauve sterile sepals that have a...
Teller Pink (L)
An upright shrub with rich green, well-defined leaves and in summer it is covered in rounded...
Teller Blue = ‘Blaumeise
Tegerfelden (H) (Haller) 1971
With very tight heads of cloudy pink flowers, possibly to tight as the florets are squashed...
Taurus * (Dussine)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...
Taube (L) (Wadenswil 1979 Teller Series)
Syn.. Teller Pink A compact robust lace-cap. Fertile florets pale mauve surrounded by large...
No information found for this cultivar Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys MS UK Plant Finder...
Tastar (H)
Flowers a clear bright scarlet red. Sepals entire, eye white. Gardens found in 28 pre 2000...