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Suzanne Cayeux * (Cayeux)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...
Susanne (H)
Flowers change from green, through yellow to deep pink www.plants-nursery.com UK Plant Finder...
Susan * PBR
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (RHS Database 2010)
Supreme = Merritts Supreme
Superbowl (H)
Tight heads of pinky-white flowers. The sepals are a mixture of pink and white Gardens found in...
Superba (H) Henri Cayeux 1934
Large heads of cloudy pink flowers. Sepals entire with lighter eye. (Description ofDerbyPlants)...
Sunset (L)
Mauve fertile florets surrounded by large clear deep pinky-red sterile florets (description...
Sungreetings *
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...