Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' Hydrangea involucrata...

Native to Japan, this species forms a small shrub with dull green bristly leaves and stems, bearing at their tips, small mauve flowers opening from buds encased in six downy bracts (involucrate) which fall off as the flower opens. The cultivar Hortensis was bred to have pretty double pink flowers. Further breeding has now produced even better forms with larger and deeper coloured double flowers.
Hydrangea arborescens 'Emerald Lace' Hydrangea involucrata...
Bed G: Plant 03 The name means surrounded with bracts and refers to the flowers. A small...
Name means; Of gardens, Cultivated. AM 1956, 1992 A low growing form with rough leaves and...
Bed T: Plant 04 A form with flattish heads of mauve fertile flowers surrounded by small white...
Bed T: Plant 07 Double White Flowers, tinged pink and ageing green, Sepals serrated and...
Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: KAL
A flamboyant new introduction from cultivation inJapan, of this deciduous shrub with broad...
Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: LHS Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: LHS ESV...
Bed F: Plant 15 A beautiful form. Fertile florets deep pink. Sterile florets double pale pink...
Double White Flowers, tinged pink and ageing green, Sepals serrated and undulating. Requires...