Bed Z: Plant 17 An early flowering cultivar with a good shape and small but beautifully formed...
Hydrangea macrophylla is native of China, Korea, and the Himalayas. The original form Hydrangea macrophylla var.normalis has broad leaves and lacecap flower heads with mostly small fertile florets surrounded by a few of the larger sterile florets. However, intensive breeding programs soon produced improved lacecap cultivars and cultivars with very few or no fertile florets. The result of this, is a change in the flower shape from flat to large globe shaped flower heads. This is the typical mophead hydrangea, also called Hydrangea hortensis
macrophylla ‘Leuchtfeuer’
Bed X: Plant 07 syn.Lighthouse & Beacon Light Flower colour: Red, only turning blue on very...
macrophylla ‘Louis Savage’
A description to be added soon Bed E: Plant 10 UK Plant Finder: Not listed
macrophylla ‘Madam A Riverain’ (E. Mouillere 1909)
Bed U: Plant 09 Vigorous plant with Deep clear pink flowers, turning greenish in the autumn. The...
macrophylla ‘Madam E Chandley’
Bed Q: Plant 20 A description to be added soon UK Plant Finder: Not listed.
macrophylla ‘Madam Faustin Travouilio’ (Barillet 1930)
Bed U: Plant 26 & Bed F: Plant 10 syn. Peacock A fine blue on acid soil fading to greyish...
macrophylla ‘Madam Plumecoq’
Bed U: Plant 07 Large florets of pink flowers with narrow based sepals that are pink washed with...
macrophylla ‘Madame Emile Mouillere’ (Mouillere 1909)
Bed W: Plant 19 AGM 1992 Still one of the best whites, but may be reluctant to flower whilst...
macrophylla ‘Madame Joubert’
Bed W: Plant 16 Sepals smooth edges and reminiong cuped for some time. Pale chalky pink fading to...
macrophylla ‘Maman’
Bed Y: Plant 07 Large heads of clear pink or blue mopheads UK Plant Finder: Not listed.