Bed L: Plant 17 With pinkish fertile florets surrounded by white sterile florets which slowly turn...

This species is native to Japan and much of both collecting from the wild and breeding of new cultivars has been carried out in Japan thus explaining the mostly Japanese names. They are mostly smaller and more delicately structured that hydrangea macrophylla lacecaps. Their leaves are smaller and thinner and often colour reddish in the autumn. The flowers heads are also smaller and more delicate, however this does not distract from their beauty as there are plenty of stunningly beautiful cultivars now available.
Bed L: Plant 17 With pinkish fertile florets surrounded by white sterile florets which slowly turn...
Bed V: Plant 14 Fertile florets mauve, Sterile florets purplish pink Gardens found in the 28 pre...
Bed Z: Plant 27 Pale pink sterile florets UK Plant Finder: Not listed
Bed L: Plant 02 & Bed N: Plant 09 AGM A dwarf delicate shrub with 6 to 10 pale pink or blue...
Bed V: Plant 14 The name is from Myama, an area near Tokyo, Yae means double, and Murasaki is...
Bed C: Plant 28 Fertile florets white, sterile florets pale pink UK Plant Finder: Not listed
Bed N: Plant 04 A beautiful cultivar with very flat heads of bluish fertile flowers surrounded by...
Bed D: Plant 12 With small delicate sprays of pink or blue lacecaps UK Plant Finder: Not...
Bed C: Plant 32 Fertile florets pinkish in bud opening blue, surrounded by pure white sterile...
Bed C: Plant 29 Fertile flowers with pink buds opening white surrounded by pure white sterile...