Bed C: Plant 29 Fertile flowers with pink buds opening white surrounded by pure white sterile...

This species is native to Japan and much of both collecting from the wild and breeding of new cultivars has been carried out in Japan thus explaining the mostly Japanese names. They are mostly smaller and more delicately structured that hydrangea macrophylla lacecaps. Their leaves are smaller and thinner and often colour reddish in the autumn. The flowers heads are also smaller and more delicate, however this does not distract from their beauty as there are plenty of stunningly beautiful cultivars now available.
Bed C: Plant 29 Fertile flowers with pink buds opening white surrounded by pure white sterile...
Bed C: Plant 04 Sterile florets pure white with pointed sepals UK Plant Finder: 2012 = 1...
Bed S: Plant? Leaves dark green with red veins and stalks. Sterile sepals Pink-White UK Plant...
Bed D: Plant 30 AGM 1984, 1992 AM 1939 Sterile florets deep pink with serrated edges UK Plant...
Bed C: Plant 15 With bright blue fertile florets surrounded by pink and blue sterile florets UK...
Bed M: Plant 17 A free flowering lace cap with green fertile flowers and pure white sterile...
Bed S: Plant 37 & Bed D: Plant 16 Dark green leaves with double pale lilac sterile florets on...
Bed Z: Plant 36 With large shell-pink or mauve-blue flowers. Very free flowering. Florets are...
Bed N: Plant 10 Syn. Maiko’ (& ‘Hallasan) A large low spreading plant with tiers of small...
Bed U: Plant 05 & Bed P: Plant 21 With small pink or blue lace caps in profusion. Easily...