Claudie (L) (Mallet, Corrine, Varengeville S’Mer, FR) 2004
Height & Width:

Named after the French astronaut ‘Claudie Andre-Deshays’

A distinct cultivar characterized by its upright and outwardly spreading plant habit; glossy foliage; inflorescences held upright and outward on strong stems; lace-cap  type inflorescences; and numerous fertile flowers per inflorescence   Appearance of stars in the night, rich blue starry florets orbit deep blue fertile florets

It originated from a cross-pollination during the spring of 1997 of a unnamed selection of Hydrangea macrophylla, as the female, or seed, parent with an unknown selection of Hydrangea macrophylla, as the male, or pollen, parent.

USPatent PP15968: 20/09/2005

Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: AA NAN

UK  Plant Finder 2012: Not listed. )


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