This has been in planning for a number of years now! Don’t know why it’s taken so long but here it is. It describes the revival of the Darley Park gardens, started off with the hydrangea collection and added to last year by the wildlife gardeners who are regenerating the Butterfly Garden. It also shows you what delights are in store for you if you venture up the path. We’re very aware we are in the long line of gardeners who have cultivated this area, and have added some photos of the history they have left. Everyone seems to have remembered the famous banana tree but never thought to take a photo of it!
Can we say thank you to Nick at NCCreative who drew on the memories of Hydrangea Derby, FoDOS, The Local Studies Library, Denis Morcroft’s family and Anna Henchcliffe to pull together the design for the board. Thank you to Derby Parks for financing the board and planting it.