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2021 Hydrangea Macrophylla White Mopheads
Hydrangea macrophylla White Bouquet Hydrangea macrophylla 'Woodworth White'
2021 Hydrangea Macrophylla Pink Mopheads
Each year we find that some hydrangeas put on a much better display than in other years. These are a few pink mopheads that have attracted attention this year. Hydrangea macrophylla 'Eugen Hahn' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Golacha' ...
Hydrangea scandens Konteriji ki Nakafu
This is one of our more unusual hydrangeas. It's one of the scandens species and was planted in our garden in 2009. It grows to about 1 metre high and wide. The sepals will always be white with a lacecap arrangement. The detail in the flower head is...
The New with the Old
Hydrangea macrophyllas normally flower all at once between July and August and then die back all together between September and October. Some hydrangea breeders are trying to develop everlasting hydrangeas that will keep producing new flower heads on new growth...
Hydrangea Derby Stop Press
The gates are now closed, completing a very unusual year which affected us volunteers somewhat but left the hydrangeas completely unaffected. They were more worried about the late frost and early drought. Over Winter we plan to plant out more of the paniculata...
Hydrangea macrophylla Fantasia
This one is interesting because of the muted tones of the sepals which are changing colour every week. The pink, green and creams are reminiscent of Hydrangea macrophylla Amethyst.
Hydrangea aspera ‘Taiwan Pink’
This aspera has given us a pleasant surprise this year. After not performing well for a number of years, a hard prune 2 years ago has brought new life. It's a late flowering one too so has lengthened the hydrangea season.
Autumn Tones
Photos taken this week show that hydrangeas will give you colour through October and on to November.
Late Summer Blooms
Towards the end of Summer, the large sepals of macrophyllas and serratas will flip over and begin to take on green, yellow, pink and burgundy tones.
Walled Garden Gates Closing 2017
The 2017 Season is now over and it's time to close the gates of the walled garden. The outer garden can still be part of a walk in Darley Park, however. The 2017 Season started early this year and the hydrangeas have created a colourful corner to Derby's green...