Latest News
Season 2017
The season has begun and green shoots are already appearing on the macrophyllas. We have a gardening timetable of Tuesday mornings from 10 to 12 with a coffee break at 11. This includes every 4th Saturday, also from 10 - 12. If you'd like a copy get in touch...
Andy Potter of Radio Derby
Andy Potter came to our collection in the early days of its existence. He turned up one sunny morning with his microphone and asked us the questions which fitted into what we wanted to say, knowing we needed the publicity and Derby needed to know about this new...
Walled Garden Gates Closing
The gates of the walled garden will be closing today, 22nd October. It's been a fabulous year so thanks to all who have made it possible. We'll be back next March ready to start the whole process again!
Hydrangea paniculata looking good
Hydrangea involucrata ‘Hortensis’
We're sharing Hydrangea involucrata 'Hortensis', brought into the collection in 1987, It's looking the best it has for a number of years. You'll find it in the outer garden on the left as you make your way up to the walled garden.
Still Plenty to See
The hydrangea season is usually from late July to late October so there is still plenty to see. The paniculatas (coned shaped flowers) are particularly charming at the moment and well worth an extra visit. Some of the macrophyllas are coming to an end of their...
2016 Open Day
Great day for our annual open day with 2 tours attracting 70 people, some as far as Norwich and Scotland. Details of the different types of hydrangea, how to grow them, prune them and when to deadhead them were asked for and given. We signed up more volunteers and...
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’
This hydrangea used to be at the entrance to the outer garden but was floppy and unattractive so we moved it in 2014 to a slope at the end of the outer garden, just against the wall of the walled garden. It did well in 2015 but this year surprised us with these...
Community Art Mosaic Opening
Things have been happening quickly these last few days. The mosaic is to be opened/unveiled on Tuesday, 12th July at 10am. Andy Potter of Radio Derby will be doing the honours and following that, the Mayor Cllr Linda Winters will be saying a few words. Tania Pells...
Jean Renault
Jean Renault has a nursery in France and has cultivated 6 well know hydrangea paniculatas as well as propagating many other hydrangea varieties. He come with his son in law, Raymond who interpreted for us, on a short visit to England to see our collection as well as...