Syn.. RIE03 Forever & Ever series
A cultivar characterized by broad upright habit, large dark grey-green leaves and fertile flowers which carry bi-colored pink. A bicolour cultivar that flowers on new wood. Sepals not overlapping, pink with broad white edges leaving only central strip pink. The inventor assembled a collection of unnamed and unreleased hybrids from a sequence of deliberate pollinations involving the following cultivars, all unpatented, and available inJapan: Hydrangea macrophylla `Otafuku`, Hydrangea macrophylla, `Yamaajisai`, and Hydrangea macrophylla `Fijinishiritaki`. The inventor did not record which variety was used as male parent and which as female parent. In May 1993, the inventor carried out a deliberate pollination between one unnamed plant from the inventor’s collection as female parent and the variety Hydrangea macrophylla `Sumidanohanabi` (unpatented) as male parent.
USAPP18476; 05/02/2008
Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys None found
UK Plant Finder. Not listed. ( 2009