Bed W: Plant 05 With scattered double ray florets in pink or deep purple. Medium size but rather tender and therefore best taken inside in the winter (1m) UK Plant Finder 2012 = 2 nurseries
Bed W: Plant 09 RHS award & AGM 1992 Very free flowering, (re-flowers on old wood). A tall strong growing plant up to 2m, with large serrated flowers appearing mid to late season. The pink mophead blooms become pleasant pale blue on acid soils. Can become rather...
Bed Z: Plant 28 A new and distinct cultivar characterized by pink and green bicoloured flowers, medium green-coloured foliage, and moderately vigorous, broad-upright growth habit. It originated from a cross pollination. The female (seed) parent of the new cultivar is...
Bed K: Plant 09 Syn.. Pheasant &Twighlight. & Faisan: Fasan is a German word for Pheasant A Teller variety with bright red lacecap flowers on alkaline soils. It does not blue well so is best grown on alkaline soils. The numerous sterile florets are large...
Bed W: Plant 40 The name means Betrothal in French. The flowers start out green and develop into a good clear pink fading to a white centre and a pink eye. The sepals irregular and loose, broad and with a wavy edge when mature UK Plant Finder: Not...