paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’

paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’

A vigorous-growing shrub, similar to ‘Unique’ of which it is a seedling. The panicles are long and narrowly cone shaped. The sepals in the showier florets start white and turn to dark pink. Open the PDF For the full Plant Profile
paniculata ‘Pinky Winky’

paniculata ‘Pinky Winky’

A popular cultivar, with massive two-toned white and pink flowers and strong upright red stems.  The flower heads continue to grow through the season and as the older flowers turn pink the new flowers emerge white.  It has dark reddish stems that contrast with the...
paniculata ‘Polar Bear’

paniculata ‘Polar Bear’

An outstanding cultivar with long arching stems and huge flower heads.  The flower heads are 100% sterile florets which open in green before turning white and eventually aging to pale pink. Open the PDF to see the full Plant Profile
paniculata ‘Polestar’

paniculata ‘Polestar’

An interesting and unusual dwarf cultivar, with flatten panicles that turn from white through pink to a dark dusky purplish red, There is a tendency to throw up new flowering shoots mid season, giving panicles at different stages of development and different colours....