Sterile flowers in rounded heads Sepals white with a greenish tinge Gardens found in the 10...
serrata ‘Shirogaku’ (Japan)
A free flowering lace cap with green fertile flowers and pure white sterile florets (with serrated...
serrata ‘Shirofuji’
A very dwarf plant with many double white ray florets. Slow to get started but very pretty when...
serrata Shirayukihime
UKPlant Finder 2010: not listed. (
serrata ‘Shirahuzi’
Fertile florets very few white. Sterile florets pure white double on long stems, giving and open...
serrata ‘Shi no mome’
From thevillageofSinraku(Shiga) (name means Eastern Dawn Cloud) With domed lace-cap flowers with...
serrata Shingu temari
Pale blue flowers in round heads UKPlant Finder 2010: not listed (
serrata Shikobai
Blue-Mauve sterile florets surrounding pale blue fertile florets. UKPlant Finder 2010: not...
serrata ‘Shichidanka nishki;
Gardens found in the 28 pre 2000 surveyed: DA TR WR Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: DA...
serrata ‘Shichidanka’
Translation: Seven-levels flower. A lovely, demure, double-flowered form of H. serrata, to 3.5...