This cultivar is characterized by its upright and mounded plant habit; strong and healthy root...
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Horben (H) (Haller) 1973
Ours are weak plants Named after a Swiss mountain. Flowers pale mauvish-pink. Sepals narrow at...
Horath PBR * (Meinl; Katrin, Dresden, DE) 2008
The new variety was discovered in 2002 in a planned breeding program inDresden,Germany. The...
HorAbsta * (L) (Meinl; Katrin, Dresden, DE) 2008
A new and distinct cultivar characterized by its upright and mounded plant habit; black-coloured...
Horabast PPAF = Star
Hororb PPAF = Orb
Hopcorn (H) (Hofstede, Wilhelmus Jacobus Gerardus) (Doormanstraat 6, Huissen, NL) 2006
A hydrangea cultivar particularly distinguished by its bright pink inflorescences with cupped...
Hopaline (H)
Flowers pale pink or light blue on acid soils, sepals with serrated edges and an orangey pink eye...
Honnef * (Bosse)
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar (from a list of cultivars without a...
Honoji yama
Gardens found in the 10 surveyed in 2010: AW UK Plant Finder 2012: Not listed