Endless Summer series (H) and often called ‘Endless Summer’ This cultivar flowers on new wood...
Bailday (L)
Syn.‘Light-O-Day™ A variegated cultivar with good creamy white variegation and pink/blue fertile...
Bachstelze (L) (Wadenswil 1986)
Syn. Wagtail (Teller Series) Similar to 'Libelle', but of smaller stature. Foliage turns to...
Baccara * (H) (Pieter Koek BV, Aalsmeer, Netherlands in 2020
No description available. No Gardens or Nurseries Found
Baby Bimbenet *
No information, gardens or nurseries found for this cultivar Probably lost from cultivation
Baardse’s Favorite (H) ( Baardse) 1920
Flowers deep pink or a good clear blue on acid soils, fading to greyish green. Sepals entire...
Azur * (H)
A strong growing shrub with firm branches. Flowers are very large, usually light blue. Raised at...
Aziasi (L)
Syn.. Yodogama Sepals whitish blue Gardens found in 28 pre 2000 surveys DA LHS LAG MS Gardens...
Ayesha Blue *(H)
Probably just another name fore ‘Ayesha’ No information, gardens or nurseries found for this...
Ayesha (H) (from Japan )
Syn. Silver Slipper, & Uzu Ajisai Awards: AM; AGM 1992 Pale pink or clear sky-blue flowers...